Friday 1 April 2016

Research/ special interest groups


In order to understand how I will approach my research, I have begun to read and discuss a variety of options noting that from the beginning there are opposing views on where a researcher should begin their inquiry. Much of this immediate controversy is related to which Ontological and subsequently, Epistemological standpoints you arrive at your inquiry. Taking this element for granted can result in ‘failure to understand that there is more than one Ontological perspective’ Grix, J. (2004) cited Mason (1998: 12-13) Research Methods in Education.

As I continue to weave my way through the variety of researchers and authors, I realise how true the statement above will be in my own work and how one could end up in a maze of misunderstanding without clearly defining ones own stance and then following through.

Grix compares ontology and epistemology to the ‘footings’ of a house, meaning that they are the foundations of the entire structure, without which nothing can hang safely.  He believes that ones stance cannot be chopped and changed and therefore if today we are researching from a positivist standpoint, tomorrow we must do the same.

Reading The Good Research Guide, Denscombe, M. (2010), has made clearer the difference between research strategies and methods. Once a strategy is chosen, it may be that more than one method is used in order to carry out the research.  A point noted is that although some methods lend themselves more to a particular strategy, the researcher always has, in Denscombes words, ‘an element of choice’   

A Guide for First-Time Researchers has lain out the pros and cons of each research strategy with a focus on smaller scale projects.

I have found both of the above useful as well as Research Methods in Education Cohen, L. Manion, L. Morrison, K. (2011)

I am now at the stage of looking at my Area of interest/question (again and again!) and deciding which strategy is appropriate to my question and then which methods I will use to take the research to the next stage.

Any comments appreciated.

Some of us have found it difficult to connect to linked-in and so Sam Kettle and I would be happy to converse through this means instead and begin to get a sense of each others' journeys and begin to create ‘special interest groups’

My area of interest is connected to peoples’ thoughts and reflections as they move.  This could be in terms of use of imagery, positive or negative thoughts (can or cant do), perhaps something a teacher has said in the past that enables your body to remember a good pirouette preparation or maybe word said in the brain or out loud to talk oneself into jumping higher or not opting out of the grand allegro or......

What do you reflect on as you move?  Maybe in your next class try and catch yourself just as you hear the introduction to the plies or triplets or just before you start class.

I would love to hear your thoughts and if anyone feels that their area connects, it would be great to begin a dialogue.

Hopefully hear from some of you on Sunday Skype.

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